Monday, May 9, 2016

Profit Share Masterminds!!

Please contact me with any questions! I would love to help you learn about a Real Estate career or get you connected with our Team Leader to learn more about Keller Williams! Saundra J. Linscheid 903-624-9583
Keller William's model is not just about being in business with the MOST PRODUCTIVE agents in our industry, it's more about being in business with the MOST PRODUCING AGENTS in our industry! Even though the Top 20% our agents generate 80% of our company's PRODUCTION, the Lower 80% of our agents generate more COMPANY DOLLAR! Remember...once our agents cap, they keep 100% of their commission and are no longer contributing to the profits of their market center. So..if you really want to ‪#‎TakeOwnership‬ and immediately impact your market center's profitability, start helping all of those agents in your market center that are not more business!! ‪#‎TogetherEveryoneAchievesMore‬ ‪#‎TheKWEffect‬

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